Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Elephants are land mammals. They come from the family elephantidae. A baby elephant wieghs around 260lbs. Usally they live around 50-70 years. Wanna know a cool fact. In 1956 a male elephant weighed about 26,000 lbs. Also did you know that elephants means symbols in different cultures. For example elephants mean widsom in Asia. So for us an elephant is just a zoo animal that is huge. But for others its a very important part in there culture.


Have you heard about the liger its a mix of a tiger and lion ,and boy is a liger big .The liger is a hybrid cross between a male lion and a tigress . It is the largest of all cats and extanct felines .


If you have a monkey or a close reletaive that has a monkey please watch outn most wild animals are trained and may love you for years but you never know when they feel harmed and may attack. you might be saying how can they hurt me they have no teeth posion claws . But what you dont know is that a monkey has one trait missing to become a human . A monkey can have strong mussels and can kill you in many ways . Most common there hasnyt been death but injuries by theses cute banna eaters .

Think Tank

Have you ever thought what an animal can do? Well think again. Bonnie is a orangutan, who is travelling on the orangutan transit system called the O-line. The O-line is hn the natinol zoo in Washintogn. In the zoo they have a program called Think Tank.
What are Think Tanks you may ask? Well, Think Tank is where other orangutans go and try to answer questions. In Think Tank they have symbols which describes a action or words. Alot of Think Tanks scienctist are now teaching them languges. Each symbol stands for a word. For example dimond stands for verbs. This activity helps scienctist know there behavior and thoughts.
This program Think Tank is one larger step for our future. Wouldent it be cool to go to a zoo and talk to an oraguntan. Well you may wanna keep your hopes up, because with program anything can happen.